This page contains release notes for MaxBilling 2.0 tо 7.3 and all product updates.
For a current list of known issues in MaxBilling, please see MaxBilling Known Issues.
This page contains release notes for MaxBilling 2.0 tо 7.3 and all product updates.
For a current list of known issues in MaxBilling, please see MaxBilling Known Issues.
Date | Version | Type | Features | Description |
July, 2025 | 7.5 | Enhancement | Pricings | A new Pricing type has been implemented - Specific Workspace Statuses. It allows for setting up individual rates and metrics based on the workspaces’ Status. As a result, the workspaces which are tagged with the selected Status (Active, Inactive, etc.) will be charged according to this Pricing. |
July, 2025 | 7.5 | New feature | Reports | A new "Accumulate Peaks And Users Monthly" option is available upon creating a report request. It will trigger a report generation considering the peak values for Case Rollup and Users. The values will be accumulated for each calendar month within the selected report period (between Start Date and End Date) Example: Workspace A has 15 GB peak hosting in January, 20 GB – in February and 10 GB – in March. A report for January-March will show 20 GB hosting if the ‘’Accumulate Peaks And Users Monthly’’ option is not selected. Respectively, for the same time period, the report will show 45 GB with the quoted option enabled. |
June, 2024 | 7.4 | Enhancement | Storage Type | An option that allows to keep applying the Repository Usage Adjustment Formula after a workspace is moved to Cold Storage has been ensured. |
June, 2024 | 7.4 | Enhancement | Processing Statistics | Statistics collection for Processing items has been ensured. This allows for properly including Processing report items for any deleted workspaces. |
April, 2024 | 7.3 | Enhancement | Workspaces | Any workspaces that have been retrieved from the Recycle Bin will be considered properly for billing purposes according to the dates of deletion and retrieval. |
April, 2024 | 7.3 | Enhancement | Workspaces | 'A 'Workspace Created By' field has been added to the MaxBilling Workspaces List view (MaxBilling -> Workspaces tab). |
April, 2024 | 7.3 | New feature | Legal Budget | A new Legal Budget feature in the Pricings allows for tracking pre-set budget for the Workspaces, Matters or Clients which are selected in the Pricing. All billing items will be calculated cumulatively for the time period between the Project Start Date and the date when the report is generated. The Legal Budget utilization is reported in a designated Excel file (ExportLegalBudgetData.xlsx) which is created upon the standard report generation. The Projects exceeding the Alert Threshold value will be highlighted in blue while the projects with exhausted budget will be highlighted in red in the ExportLegalBudgetData.xlsx report file. |
April, 2024 | 7.2 | Enhancement | Invoices | A new 'Disclaimer' field is available in the Invoice Template (long text). If populated, the text will be shown on the PDF invoices. The Disclaimer text is positioned after the billing section, centered. The field accepts blank lines which can be used to change the text position on the PDF downwards. |
April, 2024 | 7.2 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | A new billing item 'Contract OCR Document Count' is now available under the Case Flow category. It captures the number of documents that have been OCR-ed with Contracts application within the reported period. |
April, 2024 | 7.2 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | A new billing item 'Contract OCR Document Units' is now available under the Case Flow category. It captures the number of document units that have been OCR-ed with Contracts application within the reported period. 1 Contract Unit equals 25MB of native file size per document. |
02/29/2024 | 7.1 | Enhancement | Agents | The statistics collection work is split across multiple Agent Types: MaxBilling Statistics Collector MaxBilling File Statistics Collector MaxBilling Collected Statistics Collector MaxBilling Language Statistics Collector MaxBilling Import Statistics Collector MaxBilling Production Statistics Collector MaxBilling Analytics Statistics Collector MaxBilling Case Flow Statistics Collector |
02/29/2024 | 7.1 | Enhancement | Language Services Statistics | A new setting to specify the characters count for one Document Unit which is applied when calculating the reported document units count of the documents translated by RelativityOne Translations. Its default value is 25000 and can be customized by editing the 'Translation Document Unit Characters Count' field in MaxBilling -> Settings -> Other Settings. |
12/07/2023 | 7.0 | Enhancement | Profile | A new 'Allow Overlapping Specific Pricings' option in the Profiles allows adding the same workspace to more than one Specific Pricings. |
12/07/2023 | 7.0 | New feature | Invoices | A new 'Invoices Download Folder' field is available upon the invoice generation. If populated with a valid path, the generated invoices will be stored accordingly on the FileShare server. |
12/07/2023 | 7.0 | New feature | License | To work with the application, you need to have a valid License Key. To request a License Key, navigate to MaxBilling Configuration and click the ‘Generate License Request Key’ console button. Copy the generated License Request Key and send it to |
09/28/2023 | 6.4.1301.32 | New feature | Users Statistics | A new billing item 'User Charge - Had Activity In Workspaces' is now available under Users category. It allows capturing the users' activity based on accessed workspaces within the reported period. |
09/28/2023 | 6.4.1301.32 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | 'RDC Import File Count' and 'RDC Import File Size' billing items statistics collection logic has been enhanced. The quoted items now capture the volumes imported both via RDC and Import/Export application. The items themselves are renamed to 'Import File Count' and 'Import File Size'. |
09/28/2023 | 6.4.1301.32 | Enhancement | Reports | ''Location'' and ''Billable Status'' columns have been added into ExportData.xlsx report file to provide additional information about the listed workspaces. |
06/19/2023 | 6.3.1301.71 | New feature | Language Services Statistics | New billing items have been added in Language Services billing category: - RelativityOne Translations Document Units (BETA) - allows to report the Character count of the Documents translated within a specific time period. One Document Unit is considered 25,000 characters. - RelativityOne Translations Document Count (BETA) - allows to report the Translated Documents Count within a specific time period. |
06/19/2023 | 6.3.1301.71 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | New billing items have been added in Case Flow billing category: - ECA Promotion File Count (Links Only) - allows to report Native files count of the documents that were promoted to the corresponding workspace via RIP when 'Copy Natives - Links Only' option was selected in the corresponding Integration Point. - ECA Promotion File Size (Links Only) - allows to report Native files size of the documents that were promoted to the corresponding workspace via RIP when 'Copy Natives - Links Only' option was selected in the corresponding Integration Point. |
06/19/2023 | 6.3.1301.71 | Enhancement | Invoices | New fields are available in the Invoices view: - Canceled Invoice - Yes/No - Notes - free text to optionally add custom notes The fields can be edited via a corresponding mass action. |
04/19/2023 | 6.2.1301.30 | New feature | Storage Type | A new Grace Period in Days option has been added in the Repository Storage Type Configuration object (under MaxBilling Settings). If Repository Grace Period in Days is populated with a certain number, the application will consider any Workspaces for Repository even if the Repository application was not installed for the corresponding number of days in the beginning of the reported period. |
04/19/2023 | 6.2.1301.30 | New feature | Profile | Users are able to copy an entire Profile via the Copy Profiles mass operation in the Profiles tab. |
04/19/2023 | 6.2.1301.30 | Enhancement | Case Rollup Statistics | DtSearch billing item statistics collection has been enhanced so if no index size information is returned by the API due to modified location paths, the size will be pulled out from SQL utilizing IndexSizeBytes in [EDDSDBO].[dtSearchSubIndex]. |
04/19/2023 | 6.2.1301.30 | Enhancement | Reports | Workspace Status column has been added to the following report files: ExportData.xlsx, ExportData-Matters.xlsx and ExportData-Clients.xlsx |
04/19/2023 | 6.2.1301.30 | Enhancement | MatterName and MatterNumber placeholders in an Invoice Type Email Template can be utilized when sending Invoices per Client. | |
02/14/2023 | 6.1.1301.10 | Resolved defect | Invoices | Users are able to successfully edit/save an Invoice Item in the Invoice Templates. |
02/14/2023 | 6.1.1301.10 | Resolved defect | Settings | UI options for deleting the Settings object are not available. |
02/14/2023 | 6.1.1301.10 | Resolved defect | Pricings | Adding a pricing item in an Exclude Pricing type is not allowed. |
02/14/2023 | 6.1.1301.10 | Resolved defect | Invoices | In case of retry policy being triggered during invoice generation, the InvoiceReport.xlsx files are created with correct data including all corresponding invoices. |
01/19/2023 | 6.0.1301.22 | Enhancement | Invoices | The Invoice generation process has been optimized. In case the corresponding API Services get down due to any temporary environmental or connectivity issues during the invoice generation, any invoices stuck in progress will be retried by the Invoice Generator Agent as soon as the Services are back up and running. |
01/19/2023 | 6.0.1301.22 | Enhancement | Invoices | 'Do not show Date of Invoice' option is available in the Invoice Template. If enabled, the date of the actual generation will not show up on the Invoice PDFs. |
11/10/2022 | 5.5.1301.18 | New feature | Reports | A new "Split Users Fees Across Workspaces" option is available in the Profile. Once enabled, the user fees with Per Client or Per Matter charge level will be split equally across the corresponding workspaces. As a result, the total users costs for each client will be calculated through dividing the monthly user fee by the number of workspaces each user has access to. |
11/10/2022 | 5.5.1301.18 | New feature | Invoices | A new "Consider Storage Type" option is available in the Invoice Template on Invoice Item level. If enabled, the storage type will be additionally considered upon items' aggregation and the corresponding name of the storage type (Review, Repository, Cold Storage) will be displayed after the actual billing item name. |
11/10/2022 | 5.5.1301.18 | Enhancement | Invoices | Per Client Invoice generation is now allowed also with Workspace Template when Workspace breakdown was used in the corresponding reports. |
11/10/2022 | 5.5.1301.18 | Enhancement | Agents | A retry policy has been applied in case disturbances related to the Relativity Object Manager occur. |
11/10/2022 | 5.5.1301.18 | Enhancement | Agents | MaxBilling Admin Object Sync agent run interval has been increased from 60 to 3599 seconds. |
11/10/2022 | 5.5.1301.18 | Enhancement | Agents | MaxBilling Schedule agent run interval has been increased from 3600 to 43200 seconds. |
09/08/2022 | 5.4.1301.8 | Resolved defect | Storage Type | Repository workspaces' hosting size (Publish Data File Size) is calculated according to the corresponding Repository formula in billing Profiles where both Storage Type options are enabled. |
08/01/2022 | 5.3.1301.11 | Enhancement | Pricings | A new column Item Expiration Date is added to Tasks Tab in Pricing under Profiles. |
08/01/2022 | 5.3.1301.11 | Enhancement | Reports | The Report Summary (Workspace Breakdown).xlsx report file now shows the Relativity workspace name and the Artifact ID separated into two columns. |
08/01/2022 | 5.3.1301.11 | Resolved defect | Reports | When a Repository workspace has been moved to Cold Storage, any applied Storage Type Configurations will consider the Cold Storage formula over the Repository formula. |
08/01/2022 | 5.3.1301.11 | Enhancement | Workspaces | A new column Status Name has been added to MXB Workspaces view (MaxBilling -> Workspaces tab). |
06/06/2022 | 5.2.1301.13 | Compatibility change | UI | All MaxBilling Object Types with Null values in "Use Relativity Forms" field have been set to 'No' value in relation to the Relativity Classic Forms removal in RelativityOne. |
06/06/2022 | 5.2.1301.13 | New feature | Dashboard | A new ‘Committed Size and Utilization’ widget type is added to MaxBilling Dashboard. It allows users to track their hosting commitment and utilization considering the different storage types (Review, Repository, Cold Storage). The table shows data for the last 12 months. |
06/06/2022 | 5.2.1301.13 | New feature | Pricings | A new Pricing Type "Exclude Workspace Statuses" is now available. The workspaces with the corresponding statuses will be skipped upon the report generation. |
04/11/2022 | 5.1.1301.13 | New feature | Tiered Pricing | A new "Flat Fee Expires On:" option is available when a Tiered Pricing is being set up for Case Rollup items. The quoted expiration date refers to any tiers with a Tier Fee Type: Flat. The flat fees will be applied in the reports until the expiration date hits (i.e. the expiration date is earlier than the start date of the report). |
04/11/2022 | 5.1.1301.13 | Enhancement | Agents | MaxBilling agents are capable to work on the new RelativityOne compute infrastructure as well as on the Relativity Agents Servers infrastructure. If the Relativity instance has been migrated to the RelativityOne compute infrastrucure, any errors and warnings coming from the MaxBilling Agents are logged into the EDDSLogging data base. Otherwise, any errors, warnings as well as additional information coming from the MaxBilling agents are logged in files that are stored under C:\TSDLogs\MaxBillingInstance\Agents on the corresponding Agents Server, as it has been until now. |
04/11/2022 | 5.1.1301.13 | Enhancement | Case Rollup Statistics | DtSearch billing item statistics collection has been enhanced to skip any duplicated entries in case such had retained in the corresponding data base upon incremental runs. |
04/11/2022 | 5.1.1301.13 | Resolved defect | Analytics Statistics | Analytics items statistics is now collected for deleted workspaces. |
04/11/2022 | 5.1.1301.13 | Enhancement | Reports | New "Report Start Date" and "Report End Date" columns have been added in the ExportData.xlsx report files (ExportData, ExportData-Matters, ExportData-Clients). |
04/11/2022 | 5.1.1301.13 | Enhancement | Reports | A new "User Artifact ID" column has been added to the ExportData.xlsx report files (ExportData, ExportData-Matters, ExportData-Clients). The column is populated for the single users report items. |
04/11/2022 | 5.1.1301.13 | New feature | Reports | A new "Item Expires On:" option is available when any static Tasks items are being added to the Profile. The static Tasks items will be included in the reports until the expiration date hits (i.e. the Item's expiration date is earlier than the start date of the report). |
04/11/2022 | 5.1.1301.13 | Enhancement | Invoices | "Report Id" column is presented in the Invoices view to provide information about the Reports which correspond to each Invoice. |
04/11/2022 | 5.1.1301.13 | Enhancement | Reports | When any flat fees were applied in the reports and the invoices, the corresponding description ('Flat Fee') is included in the report/invoice item names. |
04/11/2022 | 5.1.1301.13 | New feature | Tiered Pricing | A new custom free text field "Tier Notes" is now available when users create new Pricing Tiers. |
01/31/2022 | 5.0.1301.19 | Enhancement | Workspaces meta-data | Additional information about the workspaces is available in the MaxBilling Workspaces view: * Workspace ID * Client Name and Number * Matter Name and Number * Keywords * Notes * Custom Notes (free text) |
01/31/2022 | 5.0.1301.19 | Enhancement | Profile | Instance type of Profile has been removed. Existing Instance Profiles are switched to All Clients Profile type. |
01/31/2022 | 5.0.1301.19 | Enhancement | Tiered Pricing | Up to 7 Price Tiers can be used when applying tiered pricings. |
01/31/2022 | 5.0.1301.19 | Enhancement | Report | "One aggregated report for the whole Relativity Instance" report type has been removed. Instance Breakdown is allowed for "One aggregated report for all clients on the profile" report types. |
01/31/2022 | 5.0.1301.19 | New feature | Case Rollup Statistics | New billing items - Audit Record Count and Audit Record Size have been added to the Case Rollup billing category. |
01/31/2022 | 5.0.1301.19 | New feature | Dashboard | New "Hosting and Users with Access" widget type is now available in MaxBilling Dashboard tab. |
11/9/2021 | 4.8.1301.15 | New feature | Profile | A new option - "Round Up Usage To The Nearest Whole Number" has been added in the Profiles. Once enabled, it rounds up all usage amounts to the nearest whole number. The currency calculations will be applied after the rounding. |
11/9/2021 | 4.8.1301.15 | Enhancement | Pricings | Client and Matter Name and Number information is displayed when adding workspaces or Matters to Specific Pricings. |
11/9/2021 | 4.8.1301.15 | Enhancement | Invoices | Client and Matter Name and Number information is displayed when adding workspaces or Matters to Invoice Mappings. |
11/9/2021 | 4.8.1301.15 | Enhancement | Reports | Users Items listing in the PDF and Excel report files has been enhanced, providing summarized information about the total count as well as listing the actual users' emails that had been considered for billing. |
11/9/2021 | 4.8.1301.15 | Enhancement | Dashboard | User Type is considered in the Report Data Widgets tables when aggregating the users' charges and displayed accordingly. |
11/9/2021 | 4.8.1301.15 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | A new billing item - ECA Promotion File Size (Native) - has been added in Case Flow category. It captures the Native files size of the documents that were promoted to the corresponding Workspace via RIP when "Copy Natives - Physical Files" option was selected in the corresponding Integration Point. |
11/9/2021 | 4.8.1301.15 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | A new billing item - ECA Promotion File Count (Native) - has been added in Case Flow category. It captures the Native files count of the documents that were promoted to the corresponding Workspace via RIP when "Copy Natives - Physical Files" option was selected in the corresponding Integration Point. |
11/9/2021 | 4.8.1301.15 | Enhancement | Invoices | The "Include 0.00" option is available for Invoice Items that are a combination between multiple report items. |
11/9/2021 | 4.8.1301.15 | Enhancement | Custom statistics | Client Name information is available in the Work Statistic view. It is populated automatically for the corresponding Workspaces. |
11/9/2021 | 4.8.1301.15 | Enhancement | Custom statistics | A new "Work Details" field is available in the Work Statistics layout to add information in free text regarding the particular statistics entry. |
08/30/2021 | 4.7.1301.35 | Resolved defect | Dashboard | MaxBilling Report Data widgets display correct aggregation of billing items with the same rate. |
08/30/2021 | 4.7.1301.35 | Resolved defect | Dashboard | MaxBilling Usage Data widgets consider correctly the corresponding MaxBilling configuration and display the Publish Data size according to the installation scope. |
08/19/2021 | 4.7.1301.31 | New feature | Language Services | New billing category - Language Services - is available in the Profiles. The billing items in Language Services allow for reporting and invoicing for the following billing items: · Ubiqus Translation File Count – The Native Files’ count of the Documents, that were sent to Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. · Ubiqus Translation File Size – The Native Files’ size of the Documents, that were sent to Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. · Ubiqus Translation Text Only Count – The count of the Files, that were sent to Ubiqus with text only, when the corresponding sets are completed. · Ubiqus Translation Text Only Size – The size of the text that was sent to Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. · Ubiqus Translation Words – The count of the words that were translated in Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. · Ubiqus Transcription File Count – The Native Files’ count of the Documents, that were sent to Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. · Ubiqus Transcription File Size – The Native Files’ size of the Documents, that were sent to Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. · Ubiqus Transcription Text Only Size – The size of the text that was received from Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. · Ubiqus Transcription Hours – The duration of the media files that were transcribed in Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. |
08/19/2021 | 4.7.1301.31 | New feature | Tiered Pricing | New option for setting up Tiers Charge Level is available. It allows applying flat fees on a Matter/Client level or using different currency rates based on the usage amount that was utilized on a Matter or a Client Level. |
08/19/2021 | 4.7.1301.31 | New feature | Pricings | New Pricing types - Exclude Matters and Exclude Clients are available in the Profiles so the corresponding workspaces that belong to the selected Matters or Clients can be skipped upon the Reports generation. |
08/19/2021 | 4.7.1301.31 | New feature | Reports | The relation between the Repository and the Review workspaces in the Maxbilling Reports is displayed in a designated column - Linked Workspaces. The column is available in the Workspaces breakdown as well as in the ExportData.xlsx report files. It is populated for the Review workspaces where linked data is present, showing the corresponding Repository workspaces and the GBs that were linked from them. |
06/11/2021 | 4.6.1301.14 | Enhancement | Case Flow Statistics | Case Flow Statistics collection SQL query has been optimized to prevent timeouts when large Structured Analytics Sets are collected. |
06/11/2021 | 4.6.1301.14 | New feature | Invoices | A new option 'Skip Zero Invoice Generation' is available in MaxBilling -> Settings -> Invoice Settings. When enabled, invoices with 0.00 totals will not be generated. The option is not selected by default, so 0.00 invoices will be generated as until now, unless the feature is activated by the end user. |
06/11/2021 | 4.6.1301.14 | Enhancement | Users Statistics | The Users charges are displayed aggregated in the Report Breakdowns as well as in the Widget tables. The Relativity Users who were charged appear with their emails only in the report files. |
06/11/2021 | 4.6.1301.14 | Enhancement | Users Statistics | Filter Behavior Include option of the User charges in the Profile allows billing only for users from the selected Groups and/or Domains. |
06/03/2021 | 4.5.1301.22 | Resolved defect | Processing Statistics | Check for null date has been added in order to prevent errors when reporting for Processing Data Sources with no Last Activity date. |
05/24/2021 | 4.5.1301.21 | Enhancement | Case Flow Statistics | Case Flow Statistics collection SQL query has been optimized to prevent locking the File table while reading the corresponding statistics. |
05/11/2021 | 4.5.1301.17 | Resolved defect | Reports | * Custom reports - tiered price type is applied correctly in custom report files of type _Report_File_Detailed.xlsx |
05/10/2021 | 4.5.1301.16 | Enhancement | Reports | * Custom reports - deleted workspace which belongs to a Client with no other workspaces is listed correctly in Custom report files of type _Report_File_Detailed.xlsx |
05/05/2021 | 4.5.1301.15 | Enhancement | Users Statistics | End users can specify Domains and Groups to be excluded from the reports within the same Users charge. |
05/05/2021 | 4.5.1301.15 | Enhancement | Reports | * Custom reports - special characters in the name of the custom report files of type Report [Client Name]([Client Number]).xlsx are trimmed to align with the excel sheet naming restrictions |
04/23/2021 | 4.5.1301.12 | Enhancement | Invoices | Combine Invoice items option now aggregates the invoice items based on their names (both custom and system) regardless of if a tiered price was used or not for the corresponding report item. |
04/08/2021 | 4.5.1301.10 | Enhancement | Invoices | When Invoices for Workspace are generated from a report with Workspace breakdown, the Workspace name is not present in the billing items section of the Invoice. When Invoices for Matter are generated from a report with Matter breakdown, the Matter name is not present in the billing items section of the Invoice. |
04/02/2021 | 4.5.1301.9 | Enhancement | Invoices | Invoices for Matter can be generated from a report with Workspace breakdown. Invoices for Client can be generated from a report with Workspace or Matter breakdown. |
04/02/2021 | 4.5.1301.9 | Enhancement | Invoices | Attorney Information and Relativity Client Information can be shown simultaneously on the Invoices PDFs (they worked alternatively until now). For that purpose, the new Additional Information field should be utilized upon Invoice generation. |
04/02/2021 | 4.5.1301.9 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | New billing items - Structured Analytics Set File Count (Natives) and Structured Analytics Set File Size (Natives) have been added to the Case Flow billing category. These items capture the count and the size of the Native files of the Documents included in the Structured Analytics Sets that were run during the period. |
04/02/2021 | 4.5.1301.9 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | New billing items - Structured Analytics Set File Count (Images) and Structured Analytics Set File Size (Images) have been added to the Case Flow billing category. These items capture the count and the size of the Image files of the Documents included in the Structured Analytics Sets that were run during the period. |
04/02/2021 | 4.5.1301.9 | New feature | Users Statistics | Users can be excluded from the MaxBilling reports based on their email domain. To exclude specific domains from the reports, populate the new Domain field in the Users Pricing Item in the Profile.Users can be excluded from the MaxBilling reports based on their email domain. To exclude specific domains from the reports, populate the new Domain field in the Users Pricing Item in the Profile. |
02/15/2021 | 4.4.1301.8 | New feature | Workspaces meta-data | A new tab - Workspaces - is visible in MaxBilling. It shows the synchronized workspaces which MaxBilling will report for as well as some new additional meta-data regarding Locations and Billable status. By default the workspaces' meta-data is synchronized by the MaxBilling Admin Object Sync Agent based on the information populated in the Workspaces' Keywords field, following a specific convention.End users are allowed to disable the synchronization for specific workspaces or for all workspaces. The synchronization can be disabled by either editing a single entry in Workspaces tab or using the mass edit option and to continue maintaining the meta-data manually.The 'Disable Agent Synchronization' option disables only the meta-data synchronization (Locations and Billable Status) and does not affect the general Workspaces' information which is required for reporting purposes.The automatic synchronization can be disabled at any time. |
02/15/2021 | 4.4.1301.8 | New feature | Workspaces meta-data | Locations meta-data is synchronized by the MaxBilling Admin Object Sync Agent automatically from the Workspaces' Keywords field using the following convention:[Location name] ; The first string value followed by a semi-colon in the Workspaces' Keywords field will be shown in the MaxBilling -> Workspaces -> Location. |
02/15/2021 | 4.4.1301.8 | New feature | Workspaces meta-data | Billable status meta-data is synchronized by the MaxBilling Admin Object Sync Agent automatically from the Workspaces' Keywords field using the following convention:; [Billable Status] ; Any string value containing '%bill%' between the first and the second semi-colon in the Workspaces' Keywords field will be synced as Yes in MaxBilling -> Workspaces -> Billable.Any string value containing '%no charge%' between the first and the second semi-colon in the Workspaces' Keywords field will be synced as No in MaxBilling -> Workspaces -> Billable.The Billable Status is synced as blank in all the other cases. |
02/15/2021 | 4.4.1301.8 | New feature | Profile | A new option - Filter Workspaces - is available on a Profile level. End users can specify if the Profile should work only with workspaces with specific Billable status. The Workspaces' Billable status is determined as Workspace meta-data in MaxBilling -> Workspaces. |
02/15/2021 | 4.4.1301.8 | New feature | Pricings | A new Pricing Type - Locations - is available. The existing Overwrite Type options (Overlay/Overwrite) are applicable for it. The Workspaces' Locations are determined as Workspace meta-data in MaxBilling -> Workspaces. |
02/15/2021 | 4.4.1301.8 | New feature | Reports | A new column - Billable - is available in the Report Workspace breakdown. It is populated with the corresponding Billable Status once such is set for any workspaces. |
02/15/2021 | 4.4.1301.8 | New feature | Reports | A new column - Locations - is available in the Report Workspace, Matter and Client breakdowns. It is populated with the corresponding Locations once such information is set for any workspaces. |
02/15/2021 | 4.4.1301.8 | New feature | Reports | A new column - Deleted On - is available in the Report Workspace breakdown. It is populated if a Workspace was deleted within the billing period. |
01/27/2021 | 4.3.1301.13 | Enhancement | Case Flow Statistics | Structured Analytics Document Count is the Documents count from the date when was the peak of the size for each set that was run within the reported period. |
01/27/2021 | 4.3.1301.13 | Enhancement | Case Flow Statistics | Structured Analytics Document Size is the peak value of the Extracted Text size of the Documents for each set that was run within the reported period. |
01/25/2021 | 4.3.1301.11 | Resolved defect | Pricings | If a workspace was deleted and it was part of Exclude Type of Pricing, this workspace will be excluded correctly from the reports (when the deletion date was within the reported period) |
01/19/2021 | 4.3.1301.10 | Resolved defect | Pricings | When Advanced Threshold is applied, workspaces with 0.00 total charge are not shown in the report breakdown. |
01/18/2021 | 4.3.1301.9 | Resolved defect | Pricings | The workspaces which are not charged due to Advanced Threshold condition are not shown in the report breakdown. |
01/15/2021 | 4.3.1301.8 | New feature | Pricings | A new Advanced Thresholds option is available on a Pricing level. All workspaces which have usage amount below the specified for a particular item threshold value, will not be charged or they will be charged only for the selected in the Advanced Threshold billing categories. |
01/15/2021 | 4.3.1301.8 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | New billing items - Structured Analytics Document Count and Structured Analytics Document Size (Extracted Text) have been added to the Case Flow billing category. These items capture the count and the Еxtracted Тext size of the documents included in the Structured Analytics Sets that were run during the period (considering Name normalization, Language identification, Email threading, Textual near duplicate identification and Repeated content identification). |
01/01/2021 | 4.2.1301.20 | Resolved defect | Processing Statistics | A check if the Processing application is installed on the workspaces which will be included in the report and contain Processing information has been added. |
12/02/2020 | 4.2.1301.19 | Enhancement | Processing Statistics | All Processing Sets statuses are considered in the reports, based on the completion date and time of Inventory, Discovery and Publish phases. Until the current version, MaxBilling used to consider only the published Processing Sets. |
12/02/2020 | 4.2.1301.19 | New feature | Storage Type | Separate prices, based on the workspaces storage type (Review, Repository) can be set for each Processing billing item in the Profile. The prices will be applied accordingly during the report generation based on the storage type of each Workspace. |
12/02/2020 | 4.2.1301.19 | New feature | Pricings | New Pricing Types 'Specific Clients' and 'Specific Matters' are available. The existing Overwrite Type options (Overlay/Overwrite) are applicable for these new Pricing Types. |
11/18/2020 | 4.1.1301.21 | Enhancement | Storage Type | Workspaces will not be considered as Repository workspaces if they did not have the Repository Workspace application installed even for a single day within the reported period. |
11/06/2020 | 4.1.1301.20 | Enhancement | Reports | * Custom reports - a new column Linked Total File Size was added in the _Report_File_Detailed.xlsx |
11/06/2020 | 4.1.1301.20 | Resolved defect | Reports | Overlay Pricing is correctly applied when the same billing item is present both in the Default Pricing and in the Overlay Pricing. |
10/16/2020 | 4.1.1301.19 | Enhancement | Reports | * Custom reports - a new column Publish File Size was added in the _Report_File_Detailed.xlsx* Custom reports - a rounding rule was added for the purpose of the _Report_File_Detailed.xlsx generation |
09/30/2020 | 4.1.1301.18 | New feature | Storage Type | The ratio which specifies how the Cold Storage workspaces billable size will be adjusted is determined in MaxBilling Settings -> Storage Type Configurations. The default value is 25 %. The following formula is applied: Publish Data File Size = Publish Data File Size * Cold Storage Ratio Once it is setup, to be considered in the reports, the rule should be enabled on a Profile level (instead of upon each report generation) |
09/30/2020 | 4.1.1301.18 | New feature | Storage Type | The formula which specifies how the Repository workspaces billable size will be adjusted is determined in MaxBilling Settings -> Storage Type Configurations. You can choose between: Publish Data File Size = Linked Total File Size + (Publish Data File Size-Linked Total File Size) / 3 or Publish Data File Size = Publish Data File Size - Linked Total Billable File Size Once it is set up, to be considered in the reports, the rule should be enabled on a Profile level (instead of upon each report generation) |
09/30/2020 | 4.1.1301.18 | New feature | Storage Type | A new column Storage Type is available in the Workspace breakdown of the reports. It is populated with the corresponding storage type of each Workspace - Review, Repository or Cold Storage.The column is present also in the Report Summary (Workspace Breakdown).xlsxExportData.xlsx report files when you download the report. |
09/30/2020 | 4.1.1301.18 | New feature | Storage Type | Separate prices, based on the workspaces storage type (Review, Repository, Cold Storage) can be set for each Case Rollup billing item in the Profile. The prices will be applied accordingly during the report generation based on the storage type of each Workspace. |
09/30/2020 | 4.1.1301.18 | New feature | Invoices | The Invoice Mapping feature already works independently from the Invoice Recipient Information field. It can be utilized to send emails to mapped attorneys without populating attorneys' information in the Receivers’ Information section of the invoices. |
09/30/2020 | 4.1.1301.18 | New feature | Invoices | The invoices are now sent via email in a single ZIP folder if the Email Recipient(s) field is populated when you generate invoices or set up a schedule. In the previous MaxBilling versions the invoices used to go out in separate emails. Separate emails will be sent only to the Mapped Attorneys emails, if "Send Invoice to Mapped Attorneys" is selected . Email with the ZIP file will not be sent to mapped attorneys. |
08/20/2020 | 4.0.1301.45 | Resolved defect | Case Rollup | Extracted Text Size usage is backfilled for correct MB/GB/TB conversion. |
08/19/2020 | 4.0.1301.44 | Resolved defect | Invoices | Invoices which were generated with previous MaxBilling versions can now bedownloaded and sent via email using the Invoice console buttons. |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | New feature | MaxBilling Configuration | MaxBilling can be installed on multiple workspaces within a Relativity instance. MaxBilling Configuration Object is created on Admin level. Each MaxBilling installation, except for the base one, works for specific Client(s)/Client Domain(s) only. The scope of the installation is specified by the users in the MaxBilling Configuration by adding the corresponding Client IDs. To setup your MaxBilling Configuration please contact |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | Enhancement | System | The latest Gravity version using Object Manager for updating fields is integrated in MaxBilling. |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | Enhancement | Installation | MaxBilling PostInstall Upgrader agent requires to be created manually upon initial MaxBilling installation. |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | Enhancement | Installation | The auto-insertion of Sample Billing Profile is removed. |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | Enhancement | Installation | MaxBilling SalesForce Data Tier Syncer agent is not created automatically upon MaxBilling installation. |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | Enhancement | Installation | Stage Fence Statistics Collector agent is not created automatically upon MaxBilling installation. |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | Enhancement | Installation | Account Key, Account Name and Table Name Instance settings in kCuraDashboard.AzureConnectionSettings section are not created automatically upon MaxBilling installation. |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | Enhancement | Stage Fence | Account Key, Account Name and Table Name Instance settings in kCuraDashboard.AzureConnectionSettings section can be encrypted. |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | Enhancement | Repository Storage | Once Consider Repository Workspace option is selected upon report generation, Publish Data File Size billing item will be recalculated using the below formula, if a Workspace is Repository:Publish Data File Size (repo) = Linked Total Billable File Size + (Publish Data File Size (standard) - Linked Total Billable File Size) / 3Repository storage is not reflected in other billing items. Only the usage amount for Publish Data File Size is recalculated.* Publish Data File size (GB) = Total Billable File Size + (Document Count Text Only/4000) |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | Enhancement | Cold Storage | New Cold Storage Ratio field is available in the Report Generation layout. It is visible when Consider Cold Storage option is selected. Once Consider Cold Storage option is selected upon report generation, Publish Data File Size usage will be recalculated based on a Cold Storage Ratio %, if a Workspace was in Cold Storage for the reported period.If Consider Cold Storage option is selected but no Cold Storage Ratio is specified by the users, the default ratio value (25%) will be applied.Publish Data File Size (cold) = Publish Data File Size (standard) * Cold Storage Ratio* Publish Data File size (GB) = Total Billable File Size + (Document Count Text Only/4000) |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | New feature | Case Rollup | New billing items are available in Case Rollup Category:- Linked Total Billable File Size - Total data that has been promoted into the Workspace via links- Linked Image File Size - Data linked to Image files that has been promoted into the Workspace via links- Linked Native File Size - Data linked to Native files that has been promoted into the Workspace via links- Linked Production File Size - Data linked to Production files that has been promoted into the Workspace via linksLinked sizes usage is reported for non-Repository Workspaces only. |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | New feature | Case Rollup | New billing item is available in Case Rollup category - Data Grid File Size. The item captures the sum of all files stored in Data Grid per workspace. |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | Enhancement | Reports | Pending and Generating State of Reports is now visible in the Reports view (MaxBilling->Reports) |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | Enhancement | Invoices | Pending and Generating State of invoices is now visible in the Invoice view (MaxBilling->Invoices) |
08/05/2020 | 4.0.1301.41 | Enhancement | Custom statistics | User Type field is available when you create new MXB Work Statistics Item and select Requested By value. |
06/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.39 | New feature | Pricings | New Copy Pricing option is available in the Profiles' Pricing section to allow quick pricings multiplication. |
06/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.39 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | New billing item in Case Flow category - Production Set File Size (Natives) is available. The item captures the size of the native files of the produced documents. |
06/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.39 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | New billing item in Case Flow category - Production Set File Count (Natives) is available. The item captures the count of the native files of the produced documents. |
06/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.39 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | New billing item in Case Flow category - Production Set File Size (Extracted Text) is available. The item captures the Extracted Test size of the of the produced documents. |
06/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.39 | New feature | Case Flow Statistics | New billing item in Case Flow category - Production Set Document Count is available. The item captures the count of the produced documents. |
06/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.39 | Enhancement | Reports | Deleted Workspaces and Users are already considered during the report generation. Once the date of deletion is after the start billing period date, they will be included in the reports with the corresponding statistics information. |
06/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.39 | Enhancement | Text formatting options are available in the email body field of the Email Templates in MaxBilling Settings. | |
06/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.39 | Enhancement | Users Statistics | A new option to select from all user types, along with Internal and External, is already available in the Users' charges, included in the billing profile. If not selected, all types are considered. |
06/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.39 | Enhancement | Invoicing | "Static Quantity" invoice Item option is deprecated. The item quantity is taken from the corresponding report. |
06/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.39 | New feature | Invoicing | New option "Aggregate All of Same Type" is available for the invoice items in the Invoice Templates. When selected, the items of the same type will be aggregated on the same invoice line, if they are present in the corresponding report with different prices. Upon upgrade it will be set as non-selected for the existing items. |
06/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.39 | New feature | Invoicing | New option "Include 0.00" is available for the invoice items in the Invoice Templates. When selected, the items will be included in the invoice with 0.00 if there is no usage in the corresponding report. Upon upgrade it will be set as non-selected for the existing items. |
06/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.39 | Resolved defect | Case Rollup Statistics | Extracted Text Size usage is already collected when stored in Data Grid, along with SQL. |
05/14/2020 | 3.1.1301.25 | New feature | Dashboard | New widgets showing Report Data are available in Dashboard tab. Select a Profile, Client and Report and the corresponding report data will be loaded on the chart along with a detailed information on a billing item level in a table below the widget. You can click on the chart's layers to switch between Report Total, Client, Matter, Workspace breakdowns. |
05/14/2020 | 3.1.1301.25 | Enhancement | Tabs | Usage Data Tab is renamed to Dashboard, containing new Report Data widgets. |
05/14/2020 | 3.1.1301.25 | New Feature | Email Templates | You are now able to customize the emails sent from MaxBilling. Email Template section is added to MaxBilling Settings. With no changes or templates added, the emails will be sent according to the default values. |
05/14/2020 | 3.1.1301.25 | New Feature | Reports | Workspace Artifact ID is now included in a designated column in ExportData report file. |
05/14/2020 | 3.1.1301.25 | New Feature | Customer Code | You can now unlock a specific functionality to be available only for you, using your customer code. |
05/14/2020 | 3.1.1301.25 | Enhancement | Reports | Minimal/Maximal Cap is still applied on a Workspace level but it is now considered for all report breakdowns. |
05/14/2020 | 3.1.1301.25 | Enhancement | Invoicing | Invoice prefix is included in the invoice file name, in front of the invoice number. |
05/14/2020 | 3.1.1301.25 | Enhancement | Settings | Settings Tab content is reorganized within three sections, related to General Settings, Invoice Settings, Email Settings. |
05/14/2020 | 3.1.1301.25 | Enhancement | Reports | " ' " symbol is added automatically in the beginning of each cell, containing text, in all the excel report files, to prevent from potential formula injection. |
04/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.11 | New Feature | Custom statistics | You can now add your own statistics about any custom tasks which will be included in the billing reports under Tasks billing category. |
04/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.11 | New Feature | Custom statistics | You can now add your custom tasks to MaxBilling billing item types under Settings, allowing you to add them into your billing profile afterwards. |
04/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.11 | Enhancement | Invoicing | Regular Invoice functionality and "Invoices" tab were removed. "Customiziable Invoices" tab is renamed to "Invoices". "Generate Customizable Invoice" button is renamed do "Generate Invoice". If you used to be using the old invoicing functionality download your existing Invoices before upgrade if you need to have them stored. Creating a Workspace Template type will let you keep your existing invoicing workflow. For any assistance contact or check MaxBilling user guide. |
04/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.11 | New Feature | Invoicing | An option to download multiple invoices to a ZIP file is already available as a mass operation in Invoices tab. |
04/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.11 | New Feature | Invoicing | New Invoice Report Excel file is already available for download in the Report console for all reports with Workspace/Matter/Client breakdown, once they were invoiced. |
04/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.11 | Enhancement | Invoicing | The following special characters in the invoice file name are replaced with empty string: ":", "!", "#", "$", "/", ", "+", "=", "'", "\", "?", "|", "&", "~", "^", "%", "{", ">", "<", "[", "]", ";" |
04/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.11 | Enhancement | Invoicing | The title of Invoices is changed as follows: * Invoices for Clients: Invoice [number] for client [number] * Invoices for Matters: Invoice [number] for matter Client[number] .Matter[number] * Invoices for Workspaces: Invoice [number] for workspace [Name] * Invoices for the whole report: Invoice [number] for report [Name] |
04/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.11 | Enhancement | Invoicing | Invoice items, which are added with a Selected Type Item Name to the invoice template, will be included in the invoices, if they are present in the corresponding billing reports. Items which are added with a Custom name to the invoice template, will always be included in the invoices, regardless they are present in the corresponding billing reports or not. If the items are not present in the billing report, they will appear in the invoice with 0.00 quantity and total. |
04/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.11 | Enhancement | Invoicing | Invoice information regarding month of the invoice and matter/client number or workspace/report name is added to the subject line of the email when sending invoices. Month value considers the Billing Period Start Date. |
04/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.11 | Enhancement | Tabs | Billing Profiles tab is renamed to Profiles. |
04/15/2020 | 3.1.1301.11 | Enhancement | Tabs | Tier Pricings tab is renamed to Thresholds. |
03/27/2020 | 3.0.1301.36 | Enhancement | Reports | Users are now able to charge based on TB unit. KB unit is no longer supported. All the existing items using KB in the billing profiles will be switched to TB upon upgrade. |
03/27/2020 | 3.0.1301.36 | Enhancement | Users Statistics | Audit records are no longer used for the purpose of Users' login statistics collection. |
03/27/2020 | 3.0.1301.36 | New Feature | Case Rollup Statistics | A new Charge Level - Current Value - is available for all Case Rollup Items. The usage amount value of the items with Current Value charge level is considered as it was at the end date of the reported period. |
03/27/2020 | 3.0.1301.36 | Enhancement | Reports | Workspace accessibility is considered during reports' generation. If a workspace is not accessible during the report generation, this workspace will be skipped, without affecting the process of generation itself. |
03/27/2020 | 3.0.1301.36 | Enhancement | Consistency Check | MaxBilling Consistency Checker Agent is removed. The necessary validations are ensured via Post-save Event Handlers. |
03/27/2020 | 3.0.1301.36 | Enhancement | Customizable invoices | When creating a new invoice template of type Report/Client/Matter/Workspace, after saving, the necessary invoice items are added automatically with default values. |
03/27/2020 | 3.0.1301.36 | Resolved defect | Customizable invoices | Individual Report/Pricing items invoice template now can be used for report billing items which have tiered pricing type. |
03/27/2020 | 3.0.1301.36 | Enhancement | Customizable invoices | GB and TB can be added as invoice item's units in the invoice templates. |
03/27/2020 | 3.0.1301.36 | Enhancement | Customizable invoices | Invoice Start Number field accepts any characters, once the last character is a digit. Upon each invoice generation, the digit is being incremented, and the rest of the characters are kept. |
03/27/2020 | 3.0.1301.36 | Enhancement | Customizable invoices | When using Individual Report/Pricing items Template, containing items which are not included in the related report, these items will not appear in the invoice, although they are included in the template. Thus the "zero" lines are avoided. |
03/27/2020 | 3.0.1301.36 | Enhancement | Reports generation | MaxBilling reports' generation process is optimized ensuring a better performance. |
03/27/2020 | 3.0.1301.36 | Enhancement | System | Reporting performance of batch operations was implemented to provide metrics for statistics collection and report generation processes. |
02/25/2020 | 3.0.1301.13 | Enhancement | Case Flow Statistics collection | Audit records are no longer used for the purpose of Imaging, OCR and Production Sets count and size statistics collection. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | Enhancement | System | Reduced audit records count generated by MaxBilling agents improving the overall performance. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | Enhancement | System | The latest Gravity version is integrated. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | Enhancement | Consistency Check | Deleting Workspaces, belonging to a Specific or Exclude Pricing does not cause billing Profile Inconsistency. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | Enhancement | Reports | Deleted Workspaces are shown in the reports with the corresponding statistics information during the billing period, if any. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | Resolved defect | Case Rollup Statistics | Available DB Size, Used DB Size and Extracted Text Size statistics calculation does not utilize "sp_spaceused", which is not allowed in all workspaces. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | New Feature | Processing Statistics | New charge level "Per Set" is available for all Processing billing items. This option allows reporting the Processing information on a deeper level - per Processing Set. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | Resolved defect | Users Statistics | Users who were part of a User Group which was to be excluded from the charge continue to be excluded from the reports after they were deleted. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | Resolved defect | Users Statistics | User Charge Priority order now allows multiple user charges in one Pricing. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | Enhancement | Users Statistics | User Charge Priority order value restriction is on a Billing item level within a Pricing. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | Enhancement | Dashboards | Stage Fence Dashboard is no longer supported (RelativityOne). |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | New Feature | Reports | Relativity Client number and Matter number information is shown in designated columns in the report breakdowns. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | New Feature | Reports | Workspace Status field is is shown in a designated column in the report Workspace breakdown. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | New Feature | Reports | Relativity Client number and Matter number information is shown in designated columns in Report Summary (Workspace Breakdown).xlsx report file. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | New Feature | Reports | New excel report file ExportData-Matters.xls is available upon reports download. The new file shows report information summarized on a Matter basis |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | New Feature | Reports | New excel report file ExportData-Clients.xls is available upon reports download. The new file shows report information summarized on a Client basis |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | New Feature | Customizable invoices | You can view and click the last 5 custom invoices from the report layout. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | New Feature | Customizable invoices | Reported period information is available in the customizable invoices showing the billing period which the invoice refers to. |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | New Feature | Customizable invoices | Client and Matter numbers and names are shown the customizable invoices names for the invoices of type "For Clients" nad "For Matters" |
02/07/2020 | 3.0.1301.10 | New Feature | Customizable invoices | Client and Matter numbers and names are shown the customizable invoices billing information section when Client or Matter templates were used upon the invoice generation. |
10/9/2019 | 2.3.1301.298 | Enhancement | System | Permission checks are applied when users download billing reports. |
10/9/2019 | 2.3.1301.298 | Enhancement | Reports | Discount field in the PDF reports is shown only when there is a discount value. |
10/9/2019 | 2.3.1301.298 | Enhancement | Invoicing | Discount field in the PDF customizable invoices is shown only when there is a discount value. |
9/24/2019 | 2.3.1301.295 | Enhancement | System | If errors occcur on custom page, users see standard error page. |
8/9/2019 | 2.3.1301.293 | Resolved defect | Tiered Pricing option | Tiered pricing option is now being correctly applied on a workspace basis for any Processing billing items. |
8/9/2019 | 2.3.1301.293 | Resolved defect | System | Daily Statistics Collector agent does not cause any locking issues in the Workspaces data base. |
8/9/2019 | 2.3.1301.293 | Enhancement | System | Queries generated by MaxBilling Daily Statistics Collector Agent are optimized to ensure better performance. |
07/16/2019 | 2.3.1301.290 | New Feature | Maximum Workspace Cap | Users are now allowed to set a maximum workspace value which will be applied in the reports’ total in case the total workspace report value is exceeding the Maximum Workspace Cap. The Maximum Workspace Cap is being set on a pricing level. |
07/16/2019 | 2.3.1301.290 | New Feature | Minimum Workspace Cap | Users are now allowed to set a minimum workspace value which will be applied in the reports’ total in case the total workspace report value is below the Minimum Workspace Cap. The Minimum Workspace Cap is being set on a pricing level. |
07/16/2019 | 2.3.1301.290 | New Feature | Tiered Pricing option | Users are now allowed to set up to 3 thresholds when adding billing items and to charge according to the items’ usage, by using different prices for each threshold (tier). |
06/20/2019 | 2.3.1301.249 | New Feature | Repository and Cold Storage workspaces usage | Repository and Cold Storage workspaces’ usage is being considered accordingly and the storage size is recalculated if “Consider Repository Workspace” and “Consider Cold Storage” options are selected on a report generation (applicable for Relativity®One). |
04/24/2019 | 2.3.1301.177 | Resolved defect | Agents logs | MaxBilling agents are logging information for Client, Matter and Workspace artifact IDs only. |
04/24/2019 | 2.3.1301.177 | Resolved defect | Emailing functionality | MaxBilling users are now able to send billing reports and invoices via email. |
02/06/2019 | 2.3.1301.126 | New Feature | Stage Fence file size report item | Statistics for Stage Fence file size report item is now collected from multiple hosts. A new folder StageFenceWorkspaces should be created on each host. Then sub-folders named after the Workspace Artifact IDs should be created in it. The Stage Fence data for the relevant workspace must be stored in its designated folder. Only stage fence data that is stored in the way described above will be considered for the Stage Fence pricing items in MaxBilling. Any other stage fence data (anywhere else in the FileShare) will not be considered for the Stage Fence pricing items in MaxBilling. (applicable in Relativity®One). |
01/09/2019 | 2.3.1301.101 | Resolved defect | Case Flow Statistics collection | Allowing “-” symbol in workspaces’ name. |
01/04/2019 | 2.3.1301.98 | Resolved defect | Processing report generation | Removed check for Custodian table when collecting information for processing billing items. |
11/29/2018 | 2.3.1301.85 | New Feature | New Pricing Item under Case Flow category – Production branding | The count of the production brands per page. |
11/29/2018 | 2.3.1301.85 | New Feature | New Pricing Item under Case Flow category – ECA Promotion File Size (Inbound) | File size of the documents promoted from one workspace to another workspace via RIP. |
11/29/2018 | 2.3.1301.85 | New Feature | New Pricing Item under Case Flow category – ECA Promotion File Count (Inbound) | File count of the documents promoted from one workspace to another workspace via RIP. |
11/29/2018 | 2.3.1301.85 | New Feature | New Pricing Item under Case Flow category – RDC Import File Size | File size of the documents (images or natives) imported via RDC (Image Load File, Document Load File, Production Load File). |
11/29/2018 | 2.3.1301.85 | New Feature | New Pricing Item under Case Flow category – RDC Import File Count | File count of the documents (images or natives) imported via RDC (Image Load File, Document Load File, Production Load File). |
11/29/2018 | 2.3.1301.85 | Enhancement | OCR and Imaging category is renamed to Case Flow | OCR and Imaging pricing item category is renamed to Case Flow. |
10/19/2018 | 2.3.1301.53 | Enhancement | Agents | A retry policy with default values seconds intervals for MaxBilling Аgents functionality is implemented. |
10/19/2018 | 2.3.1301.53 | Enhancement | Report Generation consistency | The ability to include more than one report breakdown on report generation is restricted. |
09/20/2018 | 2.3.1301.44 | Enhancement | Reviewers Pricing Items Category | Reviewers Pricing Items Category is temporary removed. |
09/20/2018 | 2.3.1301.44 | New Feature | SalesForce data tier synchronization | Data tier value in MaxBilling settings is synchronized by “MaxBilling SalesForce Data Tier Syncer Agent” according to the information in Salesforce Data Contract. (available in Relativity®One only) |
08/10/2018 | 2.3.1301.21 | New Feature | New Invoicing functionality | Ability to generate manually and automatically customizable invoices based on the billing reports using mappings and templates. |
08/10/2018 | 2.3.1301.21 | New Feature | New Pricing Item – Production Set File Size | The file size of the produced documents. |
08/10/2018 | 2.3.1301.21 | New Feature | New Pricing Item – Production Set File Count | The file count of the produced documents. |
08/10/2018 | 2.3.1301.21 | New Feature | New Pricing Item – Image File Size | The size of completed Imaged documents. |
08/10/2018 | 2.3.1301.21 | New Feature | New Pricing Item – Image File Count | The count of completed Imaged documents. |
08/10/2018 | 2.3.1301.21 | New Feature | New Pricing Item – OCR File Size | The size of text of completed OCR files. |
08/10/2018 | 2.3.1301.21 | New Feature | New Pricing Item – OCR File Count | The count of completed OCR files. |
08/10/2018 | 2.3.1301.21 | New Feature | New Pricing Item Category – OCR and Imaging | OCR and Imaging pricing category is available in all MXB reports. |
04/28/2018 | 2.2.1301.113 | New Feature | New Pricing Item – Case Rollup - Stage Fence Data File Size | The peak size of the Stage Fence. (available in Relativity®One only) |
04/28/2018 | 2.2.1301.113 | New Feature | New Pricing Item – Case Rollup - Publish Data File Size | The peak size of the Published files. |
04/28/2018 | 2.2.1301.113 | New Feature | Billing Profile Name restrictions | The following symbols are not allowed in a billing profile name any more: “+”, “!”, “|”, “/”, “\”, “[“, “]”, “\””, “&”, “<”, “>”, “{“, “}”, “%”, “^”, “~”, “@”. |
04/16/2018 | 2.2.1301.109 | New Feature | New Pricing Item - Case Rollup - Full Text Data File Size | The size of the Full Text catalog. |
03/15/2018 | 2.2.1301.96 | Resolved defect | Publish Data Usage Dashboard Peak | Change in calculating the peak for Publish Data Usage to be displayed in the dashboard. |
03/15/2018 | 2.2.1301.96 | New Feature | New field in Users category pricing items - Priority Order | When a user is part of more than one user charge, they will be charged based on the one with the highest priority. |
03/15/2018 | 2.2.1301.96 | New Feature | New field in Users category pricing items – Groups Filter Behavior | When groups are selected in users charge, the users in this groups will be included/excluded based on the selected Groups Filter Behavior. |
03/15/2018 | 2.2.1301.96 | New Feature | New pricing type - Exclude Workspaces | Exclude Workspaces allows you to select multiple Workspaces that will not be included in the generated reports and neither of the other pricings will be applied to them. |
03/15/2018 | 2.2.1301.96 | New Feature | New Excel version of billing reports - ExportData | ExportData file is a specific Excel version of MaxBilling reports which is suitable for importing in other systems. |
03/15/2018 | 2.2.1301.96 | New Feature | New fields in Pricing Item details | New fields in Pricing Item details are available for specifying – E-Code and Cost Code. |
01/25/2018 | 2.2.1301.85 | New Feature | Case Rollup items - Charge Level – Instance Peak | Instance Peak choice for the Single-Choice field for Case Rollup pricing item – Charge Level. · Instance Peak – specifies that when a report is generated, the usage for the item will be considered from the date when was the max value for the item for all Workspaces in the whole Relativity® instance combined (for the billing period) |
01/25/2018 | 2.2.1301.85 | New Feature | Case Rollup items - Charge Level – Client Peak | Client Peak choice for the Single-Choice field for Case Rollup pricing item – Charge Level. · Client Peak - specifies that when a report is generated, the usage for the item will be considered from the date when was the max value for the item for all Workspaces for the Client combined (for the billing period) |
01/25/2018 | 2.2.1301.85 | New Feature | Case Rollup items - Charge Level – Matter Peak | Matter Peak choice for the Single-Choice field for Case Rollup pricing item – Charge Level. · Matter Peak - specifies that when a report is generated, the usage for the item will be considered from the date when was the max value for the item for all Workspaces in the Matter combined (for the billing period) |
01/25/2018 | 2.2.1301.85 | New Feature | Case Rollup items - Charge Level – Workspace Peak | Workspace Peak choice for the Single-Choice field for Case Rollup pricing item – Charge Level. · Workspace Peak – specifies that when a report is generated, the usage for the item will be considered from the date with the max value for the item for the Workspace (for the billing period) |
01/25/2018 | 2.2.1301.85 | New Feature | New Report type - Instance | MaxBilling users are able to generate Instance reports. Instance breakdown can be included only for Instance reports. |
01/25/2018 | 2.2.1301.85 | New Feature | New Profile type - Instance | Now MaxBilling users are able to create Instance reports. This will allow them generate reports with accumulated billing information for the whole instance. |
01/25/2018 | 2.2.1301.85 | New Feature | New Breakdown - Instance | Along with Workspace, Matter and Client breakdowns, MaxBilling users will be able to generate reports with Instance breakdown of the reported items. |
01/25/2018 | 2.2.1301.85 | New Feature | Detailed Excel Report | Along with PDF and summarized Excel, now the generated reports are available in Detailed Excel. There all reported items are listed with the usage, calculation and their additional information. |
11/24/2017 | 2.2.1301.70 | Enhancement | Data Tier | Added fields to Data Tier RDO to contain information about the user/service that last updated it, when it was updated and current status message. |
11/24/2017 | 2.2.1301.70 | Enhancement | Report Files | All generated report files are combined in one ZIP |
11/03/2017 | 2.2.1301.57 | New Feature | Report Generation | Providing the user with the ability to select which breakdowns they want to be included in the generated report. |
11/03/2017 | 2.2.1301.57 | Enhancement | Report PDF | The report represented in PDF shows breakdown by Client. |
11/03/2017 | 2.2.1301.57 | Resolved defect | Stage Fence Dashboard | The charge free limit of Stage Fence Data equals the Subscribed Data tier * 5 as it is required. |
10/16/2017 | 2.2.1301.49 | Enhancement | Published Data Dashboard | The peak value in Published Data Dashboard now considers only billable file sizes and is based on environment peaks, not Workspace peaks) |
10/16/2017 | 2.2.1301.49 | Enhancement | Pricing Items are RDOs | The pricing items are no longer Choices, but RDOs that are selected as Single Object. As such they have additional information for the user: Friendly Name, Billing Code, Description |
10/16/2017 | 2.2.1301.49 | New Feature | Metadata for Pricing Items | When selected, pricing item metadata is visible in the layout as well |
10/16/2017 | 2.2.1301.49 | Enhancement | New filters and charge levels for Users | We have added two levels of filtering (Relativity® User Type and Groups) when adding Users Pricing Item and three charge levels (Per Workspace, Per Matter and Per Client) |
10/16/2017 | 2.2.1301.49 | Enhancement | New charge level for Tasks | Charge level is added also to Tasks Pricing Item |
10/16/2017 | 2.2.1301.49 | New Feature | Logo for report | When generating the report, user will be able to select a logo that will be added in the generated PDF report |
10/16/2017 | 2.2.1301.49 | New Feature | New report breakdowns | Now the report is generated with breakdown on: Workspace, Matter and Client |
10/16/2017 | 2.2.1301.49 | Enhancement | New Processing reports | Now there are three levels of Processing reports – Summarized, Detailed (based on Processing set), Detailed (based on Processing Data Source) |
10/16/2017 | 2.2.1301.49 | New Feature | New tab in Settings – Pricing Item Type | Now MaxBilling users will be able to specify and edit Pricing Item metadata |
07/30/2017 | 2.0.1301.215 | Resolved defect | Fixed Stage Fence Current and Peak values in Dashboard | Fixed issue in gathering Stage Fence Current and Peak values |
07/07/2017 | 2.0.1301.211 | Enhancement | Access Denied for download buttons | Users that are not members of the administrative billing Workspace, where MaxBilling is installed, cannot download MaxBilling reports using the download URL |
06/27/2017 | 2.0.1301.209 | Enhancement | Removed trigger on AuditRecord_PrimaryPartition | Beginning in 2.0.1301.209, MaxBilling application no longer has a trigger on AuditRecord_PrimaryPartition that deletes MaxBilling audits for SELECT queries |
04/04/2017 | 2.0.1301.188 | New Feature | Staging Data and Production Data Dashboard | Beginning in 2.0.1301.188, MaxBilling contains new tab Usage Information that shows Staged and produced data in charts. |
03/08/2017 | 2.0.1301.178 | New Feature | Two report types | Beginning in version 2.0.1301.178, MaxBilling users will be able to generate two different report types – Single report for multiple clients and Multiple reports for a single client |
03/08/2017 | 2.0.1301.178 | New Feature | New columns in the generated reports | There are three new columns added to the Workspace Breakdown in the generated reports: Client Name, Matter Name, Workspace ID |
02/21/2017 | 2.0.1301.164 | New Feature | MaxBilling Scheduler | Beginning in version 2.0.1301.164, MaxBilling Scheduler is part of MaxBilling application. |
02/21/2017 | 2.0.1301.164 | Enhancement | MaxBilling Agents | MaxBilling agents are optimized to be more resistant to environment issues |
02/09/2017 | 2.0.1301.156 | New Feature | Billing profile types | Beginning in version 2.0.1301.156, MaxBilling users can set one profile for multiple/all clients. |
02/09/2017 | 2.0.1301.156 | Enhancement | Consistency Check | Profile Consistency Checker agent is adapted for the new profile types. |