227 views 14 October 2021 0
Pricing Thresholds
To setup specific conditions towards the workspaces within the Pricing, you edit the Pricing and use the Thresholds options.
◼ Base Thresholds – you can specify minimal or maximal caps in terms of total currency amount value which will be considered for each workspaces.
• Minimal Cap - the minimum workspace cap value will be applied in Workspaces’ total in case its value is below the Minimum Workspace Cap value.
You can use the Minimal Cap field to apply flat
145 views 14 October 2021 0
Legal Budget
The Legal Budget feature in the Pricings allows for tracking pre-set budget for the Workspaces, Matters or Clients which are selected in the Pricing. All billing items will be calculated cumulatively for the time period between the Project Start Date and the date when the report is generated. To calculate the costs for hosting and users which will be subtracted from the specified budget amount correctly, separate monthly reports should have been generated for the whole time
183 views 12 October 2021 0
Language Services Category
The items in Language Services category represent the total usage (sum of the size or counts) of any
translation or transcription jobs that were completed within the reported period.
To add a new Language Services pricing item to the Pricing:
1. Navigate to Language Services category.
2. Click New.
3. Fill in the following fields:
Type – select the desired report item from the list.
Unit – select a unit which will be applied in the report.
363 views 25 November 2020 0
Billing Profile
To start the billing process, you need to create a billing Profile. MaxBilling Profile is the placeholder of your billing rules and pricing models. Reports are generated according to the profile information.
To create a new Profile:
Navigate to Profiles
Click New MXB Profile. The profile layout opens.
Fill in the fields.
Click Save.
Profile Fields
Name - the name you want to give the profile.
The following symbols are not allowed in a billing
339 views 25 November 2020 0
Create Pricing
Billing reports will be generated according to the items and rates that are specified in the Pricings. Once a Profile is created, you should proceed with adding Pricings in it.
The pricing information can be edited whenever it is needed and the corresponding changes will be applied to the newly generated reports.
To add a new pricing: Click New on the MXB Profile layout. Fill in the following fields:
Name – the name of the pricing is not shown in the reports.
357 views 25 November 2020 0
Add Pricing Items
In each Pricing in the Profile, except for pricings of Exclude type, you can add different pricing items in the following categories: Case Rollup, Case Flow, Language Services, Analytics, Processing, Users, Tasks.
All billing items will be displayed in the reports as long as they were added to the Profile and there was some usage for the reported period.Note: You can find additional information about all Pricing Item Types (report items) for each of the billing
243 views 25 November 2020 0
Case Rollup Category
The items in Case Rollup category capture different SQL sizes, linked data as well as hosting size and its components. Case Rollup calculated usage is based on the peak value within the reported period.
To add a new Case Rollup pricing item to the Pricing:
Navigate to Case Rollup category
Click New
Fill in the following fields:
Type – select the desired report item from the list
Unit – select a unit which will be applied in the report
193 views 25 November 2020 0
Case Flow Category
The items in Case Flow category represent the total usage (sum of the size or counts) of the jobs that were completed within the reported period.
To add a new Case Flow pricing item to the Pricing:
Navigate to Case Flow
Click New.
Fill in the following fields:
Type – select the desired report item from the list.
Unit – select a unit which will be applied in the report.
Select whether the item to be considered as Billable in the
143 views 25 November 2020 0
Analytics Category
The items in Analytics category are being calculated based on the workspace peak value within the reported period, except for CA Index Size On Disc pricing item, which represents the sum of the size for the reported period.The items in Analytics category are calculated based on the workspace peak value within the reported period.
To add a new Analytics pricing item to the Pricing:
Navigate to Analytics
Click New.
Fill in the following fields:
Type – select the
193 views 25 November 2020 0
Users Category
The items in Users category allow you to charge users for enabled access or logging in during the reported period.
To add a new Users pricing item to the Pricing:
Navigate to Users
Click New.
Fill in the following fields:
Relativity User Type – you can optionally filter the users by selecting the type of the Relativity users that you want to charge.
Priority Order - if some users meet the conditions of multiple users charges, they will be