Tasks Category
The Tasks category allows you to add either custom items, predefined by you, or a static one-line Report item.
Custom Item
Once you have added your custom pricing items (please check Pricing Item Types section), to have it added to the Pricing:
- Navigate to Tasks
- Click New.
- Fill in the following fields:
- Type – select the desired item from the list with your predefined custom Tasks.
- Select Unit
- Enter a Unit Price to set the single price for pricing unit
- Enter a Discount % to set discount for the item (optional)
Static Item
To add a new static item to Tasks category:
- Navigate to Tasks category
- Click New.
- Fill in the following fields:
- Name – to provide information for the task
- Type – select Custom Task
- Description – to provide additional information for the task
- Charge Level – select the charge level – Workspace, Matter or Client.
The charge level determines if the task will be calculated for each workspace, or for each matter, or for a client within the reported period.
- Unit – select Count
- Quantity – static value which will be multiplied by the unit price
- Enter a Unit Price to set the single price for pricing unit
- Enter a Discount % to set discount for the item (optional)
- Item Expiration Date – The static Tasks items will be included in the reports until the expiration date hits (i.e. the Item’s expiration date is earlier than the start date of the report).