Legal Budget

Legal Budget

The Legal Budget feature in the Pricings allows for tracking pre-set budget for the Workspaces, Matters or Clients which are selected in the Pricing. All billing items will be calculated cumulatively for the time period between the Project Start Date and the date when the report is generated. To calculate the costs for hosting and users which will be subtracted from the specified budget amount correctly, separate monthly reports should have been generated for the whole time period between the Project Start Date and the current date.

Example: A project starts on January 15, 2024. The current date is March 31, 2024. There should be reports generated for January, February, and March. If these reports are missing, the fees for users and hosting will not be accumulated correctly because they will represent the fees only for the last month (in this example – March).

The Legal Budget utilization is reported in a designated Excel file (ExportLegalBudgetData.xlsx) which is created upon the standard report generation. The Projects exceeding the Alert Threshold value will be highlighted in blue while the projects with exhausted budget will be highlighted in red in the ExportLegalBudgetData.xlsx report file.

To download the Legal Budget report files, open a Report and click Download Legal Budget Report Files button in the report console.

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