Email Templates
To create an Email Template, populate the following fields:
Email Template Type – select a type of the template: (required)
- For Report – the template will be applied when you send MaxBilling reports via email.
- For Invoice – the template will be applied when you send MaxBilling invoices via email.
- For Report and Invoice – the template will be applied when you click Send Invoice (with Report) console button from the Invoices layout.
Note: You are not allowed to have more than one template of a type.
Note: You can add placeholders to the email subject and email body to include specific information related to the corresponding reports and invoices being sent (e.g. information about the billing period, invoice number, etc.). The available placeholders are shown in the Email Template Layout.
Note: When you apply formatting options (bold, italic, color, etc.) on a placeholder, make sure you have selected the ‘@@’ symbols as well. (e.g. @@Invoice_Number, instead of @@Invoice_Number)