Create Pricing
Billing reports will be generated according to the items and rates that are specified in the Pricings. Once a Profile is created, you should proceed with adding Pricings in it.
The pricing information can be edited whenever it is needed and the corresponding changes will be applied to the newly generated reports.
To add a new pricing: Click New on the MXB Profile layout. Fill in the following fields:
- Name – the name of the pricing is not shown in the reports.
- Pricing Type – specify the pricing type.
- All Workspaces for Client – all Workspaces are charged according to the rates and metrics specified in that Pricing unless any other Specific Pricings are created.
Any new workspace created at a later point will be considered automatically by the All Workspaces for Client Pricing type.
All Workspaces for Client pricing type is the default pricing for the Profile. You can set only one All Workspaces for Client pricing type in a Profile.
When Specific Workspaces / Matters / Clients / Locations / Workspace Statuses pricing type is selected, two more fields appear:
- Overwrite Type – defines how the specified rates and metrics are considered against the ones that were populated in the All Workspaces for Client (default) Pricing. It provides the following options:
- Overlay – appends pricing information to the All Workspaces for Client Pricing. Rates and metrics, specified in the Overlay pricing will be applied along with the ones, being set in the default pricing.
If some billing items are present both in the default and in the Overlay pricings, the units and the prices from the Overlay pricing will be applied.
- Overwrite – the selected Workspaces/Matters/Clients/Locations in an Overwrite pricing are charged only according to the rates and metrics, specified in that pricing. Rates and metrics that were set in the default Pricing are NOT considered.
- Workspaces / Matters / Clients / Locations / Statuses – select the Workspaces / Matters / Clients / Locations / Statuses , to which you want to apply the Specific Pricing type.
If you have a Workspace Overlay and a Matter/Client/Location Overlay, where the Matter/Client/Location owns some of the workspaces that are already part of the Workspace Overlay Pricing, the specific conditions for the workspaces in the Workspace Overlay will be considered first.
The conditions in the Matter/Client/Location Overlay will be applied for the rest of the workspaces within the Matter/Client/Location.
I.e., Specific Workspaces Pricing Type is considered with the highest priority, followed by Matters, followed by Clients, followed by Locations.
- Exclude Workspaces – you can select Workspaces that will be excluded from the reports and neither of the pricings will be applied to them. The selected Workspaces will be skipped upon Reports generation.
When Exclude Workspaces pricing type is selected, one more field appear:
- Workspaces – to select the Workspaces that will be excluded.