Adding Pricing Items

Add Pricing Items

In each Pricing in the Profile, except for pricings of Exclude type, you can add different pricing items in the following categories: Case Rollup, Case Flow, Language Services, Analytics, Processing, Users, Tasks.

All billing items will be displayed in the reports as long as they were added to the Profile and there was some usage for the reported period.

Note: You can find additional information about all Pricing Item Types (report items) for each of the billing categories in the Pricing Items Description section.

Custom meta-information regarding each billing item can be stored in the following fields: Friendly Name, Billing Code, Description, E-Code, Cost Code. (see Settings section – Pricing Item Types) Their values are displayed in the reports. The fields accept free text, so you can make the reports more comprehensive by utilizing them.

When adding a pricing item, the corresponding Unit must be selected. The unit will be considered for the usage amount calculations and it will be displayed in the Reports.

Units, applicable for counts:

  • Count – the item’s count quantity will be multiplied by the Unit Price.
  • In Whole – the total charge will not be dependent on its quantity, it will be equal to the unit Price as long as the usage amount is higher than 0.00

In Whole charge is calculated for each workspace.

Units, applicable for sizes:

  • TB – each TB of the usage amount will be multiplied by the Unit Price
  • GB – each GB of the usage amount will be multiplied by the Unit Price
  • MB – each MB of the usage amount will be multiplied by the Unit Price

Each billing item can be set as billable or non-billable in the report, depending on if Billable field is ticked or not.

  • check– Item will be considered as billable in the report. Its usage amount along with the Unit Price calculations and discount (if any) will be displayed.


  • checkUnit Price and Discount fields will not be present. Item will be included in the reports only with its usage amount.

Price Types

Price Type field is available for all billable items, except for Tasks billing category.

If blank, Single Price is applied by default.

Select Price Type value:

  • Single Price – the Unit Price value will be applied in the Reports
  • Tiered Price – Additional Price Tiers section is displayed.

Note: When Tiered Price option for Price Type is selected, the Unit Price field remains required, although it will not be applied. It can be populated with 0.00 or any value.

Note: When Tiered Price option for Price Type is selected, the Discount field will not be applied in the reports.

The Tiered Price functionality allows setting up to 7 tiers for each billing item and charging according to the items’ usage, by applying different prices for each Tier.

  • Select Tiers Charge Level – only for Case Rollup items:
    • Blank – The Tiers Charge Level is an optional field. If blank, Per Workspace charge Level will be applied by default. Therefore all Tiered Price calculations are performed on a workspace basis.
    • Per Workspace – the rates that are set in the Price Tiers will be applied based on the usage amount of each Workspace. Respectively, any flat fees will be applied for each Workspace.
    • Per Matter – the rates that are set in the Price Tiers will be applied based on the aggregated usage amount for each Matter. Respectively, any flat fees will be applied once per Matter.

Note: When you set up Tier Charge Level ‘Per Matter’, to ensure Reports consistency, the following restrictions are applied or must be considered:

    • Only reports with Matter and Client breakdown can be generated
    • Only the following report files are available
      • ExportData-Clients.xlsx
      • ExportData-Matters.xlsx
      • Report Summary (Client Breakdown).pdf
      • Detailed Report Summary (Client Breakdown).xlsx
      • Report Summary (Workspace Breakdown).xlsx
    • Do NOT add any combinations of Pricing Types within the Profile, except for combining with Exclude Type
    • Do NOT add other Tiers Charge Levels within the Profile, different from ‘Per Matter’
    • Do NOT set up Base and Advanced Thresholds on Pricing level


    • Per Client – the rates that are set in the Price Tiers will be applied based on the aggregated usage amount for each Client. Respectively, any flat fees will be applied once per Client.

Note: When you set up Tier Charge Level ‘Per Client’, to ensure Reports consistency, the following restrictions are applied or must be considered:

    • Only reports with Client breakdown can be generated
    • Only the following report files are available
      • ExportData-Clients.xlsx
      • Report Summary (Client Breakdown).pdf
      • Detailed Report Summary (Client Breakdown).xlsx
      • Report Summary (Workspace Breakdown).xlsx
    • Do NOT add any combinations of Pricing Types within the Profile, except for combining with Exclude Type
    • Do NOT add other Tiers Charge Levels within the Profile, different from ‘Per Client’
    • Do NOT set up Base and Advanced Thresholds on Pricing level
  • Select Tier Type:
    • Exclusive – Entire usage amount will be charged according to the Price that was populated in the Tier in which the usage amount fits.
    • Inclusive – Usage amount will be distributed among the tiers. Each part of the usage amount will be charged according to the Price in the corresponding Tier.
  • Flat Fee Expires On – The expiration date refers to any tiers with a Tier Fee Type: Flat. The flat fees will be applied in the reports until the expiration date hits (i.e. the expiration date is earlier than the start date of the report).
    • To apply a Tier, you can select from existing Tiers or you can add a new one on-the-fly by clicking on the Add hyperlink and populating the following fields:
      • Name – Tier Name will be automatically generated when the Tier is saved. It contains the End Bracket value + Tier Fee Type + Tier Price.
      • End Bracket –Usage amount value up to which the corresponding price will be applied, considering the selected unit of the billing item. The End Bracket of the last Tier must always be 9999999999.
      • Select Tier Fee Type:

– Flat Fee – the Tier Price that is specified in the tier, will be applied as is, without multiplying it by the usage amount, which fits in the Tier.

– Dynamic Fee– the Tier Price that is specified in the tier, will be multiplied by the usage amount, which fits in the Tier.

      • Tier Price – the price that will be applied for the tier.
      • Tier Notes – A free text field for additional information.

Example: If you need to apply a $1,000.00 rate for any usage that is under 500 GB, you should type 500 for End Bracket, 1,000 for Tier Price and select Flat Fee for Tier Fee Type.If you need to apply a $5.00 rate for each GB up to 500 GB, you should type 500 for End Bracket, 5 for Tier Price and select Dynamic Fee for Tier Fee Type.

Note: You can select from previously added tiers or you can add a new one ad-hoc by clicking on the Add hyperlink.

All previously created Tiers can be reviewed under Thresholds tab in MaxBilling. You can add new Tiers by clicking New MxB Tier Pricing button.

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