Language Services Pricing Items Description

Language Services Pricing Items Description

Metric Type Description Pricing Units
Ubiqus Translation File Count Native Files’ count of the documents, that were sent to Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. Count, In Whole
Ubiqus Translation File Size Native Files’ size of the documents, that were sent to Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. GB, MB, TB
Ubiqus Translation Text Only Count Count of the files, that were sent to Ubiqus with text only, when the corresponding sets are completed. Count, In Whole
Ubiqus Translation Text Only Size Size of the text that was sent to Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. GB, MB, TB
Ubiqus Translation Words Count of the words that were translated in Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. Count, In Whole
Ubiqus Transcription File Count Native Files’ count of the documents, that were sent to Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. Count, In Whole
Ubiqus Transcription File Size Native Files’ size of the documents, that were sent to Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. GB, MB, TB
Ubiqus Transcription Text Only Size Size of the text that was received from Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. GB, MB, TB
Ubiqus Transcription Hours Duration of the media files that were transcribed in Ubiqus, when the corresponding sets are completed. Count, In Whole

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